Resources for Everyone
Destination Imagination Podcast
Whether you’re brand new to DI or a seasoned volunteer, What’s the Big Idea? is the place to learn about ways to cultivate valuable 21st-century skills—communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity—while establishing a path to success. And who knows – you might just find a bit of inspiration along the way. Click here to learn more.
Free Team Activities
Explore our collection of free STEAM activities for kids. Try them at home, in your classroom, or with your Destination Imagination team!
Instant Challenges
Instant Challenges encourage students to work together to develop collaborative problem-solving and time management strategies, as well as performance and improvisational techniques. They also help students learn how to think creatively and to evaluate and use different types of materials in innovative ways. These Instant Challenges for Destination Imagination® teams are from a variety of sources. Start practicing with your team today!
Marketing Materials
Looking for ways to promote DI in your community? Whether you are talking to teachers, school administrators, parents or just friends, these materials can help them understand what Destination Imagination is all about.