Start a Team
Determine Your Region
- The way to get started with a team varies depending on your school district or the private school that you attend. Some school districts and private schools will purchase your team’s membership for you. The Regional Director can help you determine the steps you need to take to get started.
- You can locate your region here.
- If you are purchasing as an independent team, go to and follow the instructions to purchase a team number.
- Check your region’s website for specific instructions on how to register your team for the regional tournament.
Check Your Region’s Calendar
- The calendar includes dates for Regional Board meetings, training, and the Regional Tournament.
- You should add training dates and the regional tournament to your personal calendar.
Create an account on the Destination Imagination website
- This gives you access to DI online team manager training (online training) and once you have a team number it gives you access to download program materials and access the DI clarification system.
- If you purchased your membership directly from Destination Imagination then you probably already have an account at
- You will register your team for the regional tournament at
Plan to attend new team manager training in your region
- While there is nothing inherently difficult or complicated about managing a Destination Imagination team there is a lot of information. Experienced instructors in your region can save you and your team many missteps. You do your team a disservice by not attending training.
- The online training that is available provides only basic information.
- We provide training for new team managers and also offer some targeted training sessions on specific topics.
- We also offer team workshops for your team.
- There is no charge for most of our Team Manager training.
- Most team workshops do have a fee.

The fun starts here! Starting a team is as easy as 1-2-3. Click on the button below for all the information you will need to get the ball rolling.

A great team starts with a great team manager. Click on the button below for instructions on setting yourself up as a Texas DI Team Manager.

Texas DI is comprised of 16 regions. Click on the button below for instructions on how to become an appraiser in the region of your choice.